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RITELL is involved in multiple awards that honor our amazing educators in the state.  Please read below to learn more about the awards and our past winners!  We frequently send out information regarding these awards and nomination timelines in our newsletters.

*Our Newest Award* RITELL's Multilingual Learner Student Award

RITELL is pleased to announce their first ever MLL Student Award!

Please nominate a K-12 MLL student to be recognized for their amazing efforts. See details HERE. Nominations will be accepted via this form through March 22, 2024

Virtual Gallery Walk Most "Likes"

Marta Naderpour, 2022 Winner

Nuestro Mundo Charter School

Providence RI

“I believe in involving children in their learning, starting from their own interests, families, school, and their environment.”  

The Nancy Carnevale Award

Nancy Carnevale Grant Project Rubric.docx

Past Winners

Angie Hartley- 2021

Gladstone Street School

Cranston, RI

“I love teaching multilingual learners because I love learning and they teach me so much!” 

RIDE MLL Teacher of the Year

Past Winners: 

Cathy Cabral- 2022

Silver Spring School

East Providence, RI

“I love what I do because my students are enthusiastic to learn and to share their experiences with me. It is gratifying to see them become successful learners. I have made connections with my students and families that last long after they have left my classroom.”

Francisca Sylvia Lima- 2021

International Charter School

Pawtucket, RI

“It is so rewarding to see a language learner using his/her native language to make sense of his/her second language. I love when my former students come to visit us and demonstrate their appreciation for being at ICS. It is wonderful to see the benefits that dual language education brings to their future.” 

Elisa Rivera- 2020

Raices Dual Language Academy

Central Falls, RI

“I admire my students’ dedication to demonstrate growth over time.”

Adult Education Practitioner Award

RITELL AE SIG Adult Educator Award.pdf

RITELL AE SIG Award Nomination Form.doc

Laura Faria-Tancino-2022

“Once you work with adult students and you see the commitment, drive, and desire for excellence that they bring to each class, as a teacher - you cannot show up with anything less than your A-Game!”

Carolina Bisio- 2021

“Learn as much as you can about your learners. By considering our learners' funds of knowledge, we can help our students become active, motivated, and successful learners.”

David Buchalter- 2020

“I love teaching the way I love oxygen: it sustains me. Since teaching and learning are mutually constitutive, being a teacher means being a learner, and I love learning! That’s why I love what I do.”

RITELL c/o Nancy Cloud  |  P.O Box 9292  |  Providence, RI 02940  |  ritellteachers@gmail.com


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