This session is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who serve MLLs. There will be four parts to the one-hour session: 1) Choosing a Tool/Platform that Easily Captures Student Speaking and Allows You to Give Feedback; 2) Exploring a Range of Commonplace Learning Activities That Can Lead to Speaking Opportunities; 3) Supporting Lower Proficiency MLLs to Speak in Their New Language and 4) Getting Kids to Speak in Proficiency-Appropriate Ways and Advance their Speaking Skills. The core of the presentation will be sharing easy-to-implement online teaching ideas that naturally lead to student speaking in order to build MLLs’ discussion skills. Across the session many resources will be shared to support your teaching practice in this important area.
Click below to see the flyer for the October Webinar series.
RITELL 2020-21 Flyer (1).pdf
RITELL c/o Nancy Cloud | P.O Box 9292 | Providence, RI 02940 |