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RITELL 2013 Fall Conference

  • November 23, 2013
  • 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Rhode Island College


Registration is closed
Sheltered Instruction and the Common Core Standards

Guest Speaker: Deborah Short

Member, TESOL  Board of Directors,  Noted ELL Researcher and Co-Developer of the Sheltered Instruction  Observation Protocol(SIOP)

Main Session:

Using the SIOP Model to Reach Common Core Standards

This session explains how the SIOP Model can address the Common Core ELA and Math standards with techniques that support vocabulary development, oral language skills, and content area literacy.

  K-12 Breakout I:

Getting Started with the SIOP Model    
                                  *Deborah Short                                    

This session provides an overview of the SIOP Model and demonstrates some techniques that teachers can use to integrate language and content.

             K-12 Breakout II:           

Sheltered Instruction Strategies to Meet Common Core Standards

*Flavia Molea Baker, ESL teacher, Cumberland High School *Christine Dowding, ESL Teacher, Park School, Warwick                     

                   Adult Breakout III:                

Language Learning and Building Academic Skills for College Readiness

*Kathy Evans, ESOL Instructor Rhode Island Family Literacy Initiative, Cranston

RITELL c/o Nancy Cloud  |  P.O Box 9292  |  Providence, RI 02940  |  ritellteachers@gmail.com


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